Jaw Implants in Newport Beach, California

If you want a defined jaw that will enhance your facial structure and give you a more refined look, jaw implants could give you the results you are looking for. Facial implants, including jaw implants, are excellent at creating contours and adding structure to your face. At Pacifica Cosmetic Surgery Center in Newport Beach, CA, we can help you get the exact results you want through safe cosmetic surgery.

What Are Jaw Implants?

Jaw implants can define and add structure, with a natural-looking finish that helps both your chin and jawline look more prominent and balanced. We use high-quality, state-of-the-art silicone implants, to provide a natural enhancement of your facial structure.


There are many benefits to getting jaw implants, and a lot of them are fairly universal, but since everyone is different, it’s a good idea to talk to our team to learn what you can expect to get out of your facial implants. We’re happy to sit down for a consultation and answer any questions that you might have. Typical procedure benefits are:

  • Very natural-looking results
  • Small incisions for minimal residual scarring
  • Enhanced definition and facial balance
  • Long-lasting to permanent results
  • Improvement in jaw function and chewing
  • Fully tailored and personalized procedure 

A Procedure With You in Mind

People love these facial implants because they’re customizable and can thoroughly address your specific concerns. Whether you want to add more definition to your face, strengthen your jawline, or balance out your other features, we can help you get there. Our team can select implants that are ideally suited to you and look perfectly natural.


Am I a Good Candidate?

If you want a more prominent, balanced, or defined jawline, this procedure could be for you. You’ll achieve better facial symmetry, and these procedures are great for restoring your jawline after damage or for enhancing more traditionally masculine jawlines.

The best candidates are healthy, non-smoking adults whose bone structure is entirely done growing. If you have pre-existing medical concerns, it’s a good idea to talk to your primary doctor before considering this procedure. We are happy to answer any questions you might have before your appointment and give you specific recommendations on how to make your procedure smoother.

General Guidelines

There are a few things that you can do to make your appointment and post-procedure downtime as smooth as possible: staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet before and after can help your immune system stay in prime shape. You should also make sure to rest after your procedure. Most people start to be able to get back to their daily lives and do light physical activity about a week after the procedure.

Cutting out smoking is another excellent way to prepare for your procedure date. If you need help quitting cigarettes, there are plenty of online and in-person groups that can help you put them out for good. Avoiding alcohol is another great way to keep your immune system functioning at its best and to have a more positive experience.  

What to Expect on Your Procedure Day

Our team will consult with you to let you know precisely what you can expect and answer any questions you might have. We’re here to be as transparent as possible, and it’s our goal to make the overall experience positive for you in every way. Since all clients are unique, your procedure day will be tailored to fit your needs, but there are a few standard things to expect.

These procedures take roughly two hours, during which time you’ll be under general anesthesia. Our team will then make very small incisions to put in your custom-sized implant, ensuring that we work carefully to reduce scarring. Then, we’ll secure the implant and administer a few stitches to keep everything in place. Afterward, you can have a designated driver take you home.

After Your Appointment

You’ll be able to enjoy your gorgeous new look within a few weeks after your appointment, but there are a few things you can do to speed things up.

Rest as Much as Possible

It’s a good idea to rest for at least a week after this procedure, and many people find that they can start exercising, heavy lifting, and doing other activities that require physical exertion about two weeks after their session. Listen to your body and follow its schedule, starting slow and working your way up to more strenuous activities. When you sleep, try to keep your head elevated for maximum comfort.

Eat Soft Foods

Now is the time to indulge your smoothie cravings. Eating softer foods keeps the pressure off your jaw and allows your implant plenty of time to heal. Great options include soups, rice dishes, soft pasta, eggs, ice cream, and smoothies. You’ll gradually incorporate more foods into your diet until your diet is completely back to normal.

No Alcohol or Smoking

It’s a good idea to give up drinking and smoking right before and for a time after your procedure because both can affect the healing process. Alcohol is a dehydrating agent, and smoking can rob your body of oxygen. In fact, this could be the impetus you need to give up smoking for good!


Drink Plenty of Water

Staying properly hydrated and eating a good diet of nutritious whole foods are good ideas after this procedure. In addition to helping you enjoy the full effects of your new facial implant sooner, you’ll also get hydrated, plump, and lovely skin. Drink plain water, sparkling, or tasty non-caffeinated teas.

Keep Follow-Up Appointments

During your original consultation, we’ll discuss what will happen on your procedure day and elaborate on any follow-up appointments you might have with our team. It’s essential to keep your schedule with us so that we can ensure that the procedure is successful and answer any questions that you might have.

Our team can help you have a smooth, comfortable appointment and walk you through everything you need to do before and after. We’re confident that you’ll be pleased with both the procedure itself and the fantastic effects that you’ll enjoy for decades to come. We’ll work to ensure that your session runs as smoothly as possible and help you see results quicker with a smart aftercare routine.

Improving and balancing the structure of your face can have a significant effect on your overall looks and give you the symmetry that you crave, and it’s easier than ever to get there thanks to state-of-the-art, long-lasting, customizable facial implants.

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